ocean calming sunset mindset
ocean calming sunset mindset



Past life Regression Therapy

Therapy methods

past life memories baby photos
past life memories baby photos

Past life therapy

A journey into a past life, concentrating on the issue that needs transforming in our current. Healing the root of the problem and past emotions, meeting important souls and gaining forgiveness or understanding.

Inner child therapy

Meeting and healing our inner child. A journey inside of ourselves, transcending childhood traumas and reconnecting with the child within us. Reviving the lost essence of joy and laughter and breathing new life into our existence.

memories inner child childhood
memories inner child childhood
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crush separation ice
universe spiritual wondering stars
universe spiritual wondering stars

Current life therapy

Discovering and healing and the causes of traumas in our current life, visiting the moment that negatively affected and shaped us. Transforming our traumatic experiences into positive resources by releasing the trapped emotions within our body.

Between lives regression

A set of 2 session, energy preparation and Between lives session, taking you in the moment between death and new birth. Discovering most recent past life, meeting our guides and other souls that shaped us on our path and gaining a profound understanding of our soul's purpose.

  • Duration: around 3 hours

  • Availability: Online

  • Price: £65 per hour

  • follow up sessions £60

  • Duration: around 3 hours

  • Availability: Online

  • Price: £65 per hour

  • follow up sessions £60

  • Duration: around 3 hours

  • Availability: Online

  • Price: £65 per hour

  • follow up sessions £60

  • Duration of 2 sessions: around 3 + 4 hours

  • Availability: Online

  • Price: £75 per hour

  • no follow up session

Disclaimer: All time frames are figurative. Session times can slightly vary. Objectives of client's wish remains as discussed beforehand unless a divine guidance/higher mind directs us elsewhere.

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Regression therapy

In therapy, I use various methods but they all share a common concept:

Regression to past events

Through regression therapy we can access the deepest parts of ourselves by directly communicating with our subconscious mind to address the root of the problem we wish to resolve.

Regression therapy reveals the ways of healing within our inner world, the techniques work on all energetic levels of the mind, body and soul. It is one of the greatest ways to heal, gain spiritual insight and begin transformation. ​​

Regression therapy

past memories present home
past memories present home

What is regression?

Regression is a therapeutic process in which the client can access memories, thoughts and feelings through a deep meditation state.
It operates on basis of hypnosis which opens up our subconscious mind to which we normally do not have access to.

Regression therapy focuses on areas of conflict and other potentially negative aspects in a person's life with a goal of healing the crucial causes of negative emotions and gaining understanding, forgiveness and ​peace.

This therapy is an integration of mutual work between client and the therapist and can reach a complete healing.

3hours per session

What is regression?

ocean changing views waves
ocean changing views waves

What issues can regression therapy help?

  • Anger issues

  • Unexplained pains

  • Trauma (PTSD)

  • Eating disorders

  • Spirit/energy attachments

  • OCD

  • Insomnia

  • Nightmares

  • Emotional cords

  • Karmic debts

  • Anxiety

  • Miscarriage traumas

  • Family and romantic relationships

  • Depression

  • Stress

  • Addictions

  • Fears and phobias

  • Panic attacks

What issues can regression therapy help with?

Davide K.

"I was very skeptical at the beginning. I thought it was a nice experience but that is it. It blew my mind when I started seeing the changes that came with time! Something changed on a deep level. I let myself go without fear and I have a profound feeling of acceptance towards myself which I never had. My anxiety decreased from 100 to almost nothing. Something shifted inside. A very powerful and shocking experience."

Maira H.

"One of the best therapies I have experienced. The therapist treats you in a gentle, thoughtful way, getting connected to your own pace she carefully leads you to the goal you have set up. While you are floating through your past lives, she gives you subtle hints of being fully with you. I felt that I was supported as well as protected - a guide - who would not let me get anywhere dangerous but could still keep me firmly on the right track. After the therapy I sensed immediate relief and purification. After three sessions the problem I came with disappeared completely."

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